Category Archives: Personal Update

Who Speaks into Your Life?

God’s been speaking to me about validation. Your thoughts, feelings, experiences all matter to God. He cares about us and we are important to Him. If we allow God to validate us and we allow His words to validate us, then our emotions will come into alignment with our faith, but when we try to be validated by man, then our faith tries to come into alignment with our emotions.    –Emil

We’re excited about 2014!

God called us to a short season of rest starting in mid-December and going through yesterday. Out of that time we heard directly and through others several words for the New Year including: Freedom, courage, harvest; God is lighting the fire again; God hasn’t forgotten His promises and He will bring them to pass; Emil had a vision of God’s bowls of prayers tipping and pouring over Storm Lake.

Arizona Visit was Great!

We had a wonderful time visiting with friends and donors at the coffee night in Gilbert, Arizona November 1st.  Thank you to those who came out for it; we appreciated being able to share with you face-to-face. Without you and your encouragement, support and prayers, we couldn’t do what we do.