“Hey, Prayer Dude!”

Sunday we pulled into a gas station to fill up our Yukon which has our new bright orange Free Prayer graphics on the windows! As I finished filling up and was walking along the side to get back into the vehicle to leave, I heard someone call out, “Hey! Hey! Prayer dude!” I looked around the back and a man was walking towards our truck. The guy asked, “Is this really what you do?” and he pointed to the Free Prayer graphics on the back windows. I said, “Absolutely!” “He asked if he could get prayer right then and I said, “Sure!” We talked for 15-20 minutes, and the man wound up accepting Jesus right there at the gas pumps! Isn’t the Lord amazing?!

A New Year…Finally!

We believe 2025 will be the best year in quite awhile! We are experiencing a shift in the atmosphere and a higher level of expectation for all God will do through us this year! Our word from the Lord for 2025, so far, is “Greater Harvest, Lighter Baggage!” We are in agreement with the Lord and anticipating a record-breaking harvest for the ministry! Our prayer for you is for a year experiencing overwhelming blessings from His hand–health, prosperity, peace, joy, a greater awareness of His presence, His love, His provision, revelation, wisdom–ALL of His benefits, in fact! And let’s not forget signs, wonders, and miracles! John 10:10 in the Passion Translation tells us that Jesus said, “I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect —life in its fullness until you overflow!” So let’s believe it and receive it! Jesus is in love with us and wants to show it!

Be a Telemarketer for Jesus!

A telemarketer called this evening. She said, “I’m calling about your timeshare!” I (Emil) said, ”We do not own a timeshare! “ She said “Yes, you do with your wife!” I said, “We have never owned one!”The Lord said, “Ask her if she dies tonight, will she go to heaven?” So I asked, “Can I ask you a question?” She hesitantly said, “Ok, sure,” so I asked her if she died tonight, would she go to heaven? I heard her conversing with someone quietly in the background and then she hung up!

Sometimes we just need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit because who else is going to talk to a telemarketer about Jesus? If they are telemarketers for worldly things, then we can be telemarketers for Jesus! Give it a try—you’d be surprised! I have led a couple of people to the Lord, simply by talking to them about Jesus!

Give Thanks in All Things!

We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day yesterday! We enjoyed a fantastic meal with our family here in Iowa. Although the official Day of Thanks is over, make gratitude to God a daily event. It builds faith and removes any fear or anxiety about the day as you give Him praise and thanks! Remember that God loves you so much, He wants to be embraced–first into your hearts–and then into your daily life. He can make that difference you need in all circumstances–whether financial, physical, or emotional! Allow Him to lavish you with blessings this Christmas season!

Exciting Day in Spencer

We set up in Spencer, Iowa yesterday at our usual site, The Commons parking lot, and were busy for 3 hours from the time we dropped the ramp on the trailer and put out the OPEN banner! We met 5 great people over that period of time and spent half of our time with a young couple who are not yet followers of Jesus…but will be soon! They have experienced many “Christians” through their retail jobs who advertised God on their shirts but left a bad taste in their mouths about Him. So sad and too common, but when they left, he said, “You’ve answered a lot of questions we’ve had about God, and thank you for taking the time to just talk with us and hear us.” The Lord had a word for each of them which they totally received. Each of them took one of our 90-day devotionals to get to know Jesus better. We expect to see them again when they are ready to ask Him into their hearts! Thank You, Lord.

Wowed in Mason City

We set up Free Prayer in Mason City IA for 3 days this week in the Ashley Furniture parking lot. It was a fantastic site with constant traffic going by and of course, our trailer can’t be missed! We were so glad to have the bigger trailer—we had 8-9 people sitting in it at one time! We started each day with 4 chairs and got out more and more chairs as people came in. Every one who came in commented on how homey and welcoming it felt. Over the 3 days 22 people stopped, and we prayed for 14, for salvation, deliverance, guidance, comfort and encouragement, and so much more! We even experienced God’s orchestration of His divine appointment when a woman stopped us as we were going into Fleet Farms. She was in a very bad place and saw the trailer, pulled up weeping and apologized, “I know you’re wanting to shop but would you pray for me?” Thank you, Jesus, for such a wonderful response from the people of Mason City! We look forward to returning!

New Assignment

Emil received a new assignment from the Lord last week in addition to the Roadside and our Friday night home group! He is preaching this Sunday and next Sunday for the pastor of two churches: Trinity UMC in Webb, about 10 miles away, and Faith United in Sioux Rapids. We have attended the Webb church off and on this year, when we aren’t on the roadside being the church on Sundays! He was asked last week by the pastor if he would consider being her back-up preacher, to preach every 4-6 weeks. She is a high school teacher in addition to her pastoral duties and so is extremely busy and rarely gets a weekend off. This will allow her to have some badly-needed R&R with her family. Emil was honored to be asked and accepted! We believe it will be a great partnership.

Fall Already?!

Wow, August went by so fast! And already, our leaves are changing and falling–early this year. Our humidity dropped dramatically just yesterday and feels great to have our house windows open and the a/c off –for now, anyway. The weather changes weekly so we may still need it in the coming couple of weeks. It has also been great to be back out on the roadside again and people have been responsive. We’ve had at least one person stop almost every day we’ve been set up! Thank You, Lord, for all You’ve done in a short time. For instance, we had a woman with curvature of the spine which God healed when we prayed; and another woman who came in with both wrists wrapped and the doctors didn’t know where the pain was coming from–we prayed and all pain left her! Jesus is all for healing! We just have to believe that!

Returning to “Normal”

This week it feels like we are returning to normal, or what has become normal around here. The town of Sioux Rapids is still recovering from the flood. The streets are open and clean but most of the downtown main street (2 blocks) businesses are still closed. Some of the buildings will be bulldozed as they’ve been deemed unsafe. It will have a whole new look after that is done. Most businesses are looking for new places to set up. A friend of ours who had a very successful craft and gift shop is letting a hair salon move into that small building and she will build a bigger shop on property she owns behind it. That is exciting. One single woman lives above her store and she lost everything in the flood. The community is coming together to clean out and rebuild her buiness which seemed impossible at first. So lots going on behind the scenes, not to mention the houses that were trashed.

Our Spencer set-up spot just opened back up so we are getting the trailer out and ready to go. The businesses in that parking lot are still closed and everyone’s favorite thrift store will not re-open, a huge loss to Spencer and surrounding communities within a 50 mile radius. Good news has emerged this week that several restaurants are getting ready to re-open.

We look forward to putting out our Open banner again tomorrow.

Be Led by Truth, Not Opinion

It’s so important to know what God is saying about everything in our lives! When we believe in Jesus and listen to Him, we can live in discernment. Emil and I have learned through the years to always ask, “Lord, what’s the truth about this [situation, person, decision, etc]?” After all, He IS truth! Once we get His heart and direction, we can walk in faith in what He told us and not be influenced by anyone but the Lord. We don’t want the world’s opinion, only His. In fact, when He set out the Free Prayer ministry to us 20 years ago, He said, “People don’t need another opinion, so you are never to give them your opinion. You are only to ask Me what I want to say to them. They will stop with a specific prayer request, but I have something to tell them that will set them free. That’s what I want them to hear.” We have seen incredible things over these many years because God ALWAYS goes directly to the heart of the matter in EVERY situation and heals it, setting people free to hear Him, believe in Him, be filled with His incredible love for them, receive their healing, whatever He wants to happen in that encounter with Him! He is so good and so awesome! Being led by Him, we walk in freedom!