Category Archives: Ministry Notes

IF You’re Willing!

March 24, 2023 The Lord gave Emil this word:

You are My children and I am your Dad. I’m not just your friend. I’m not just a light in the darkness, but I’m your Dad and you’re My kids. When you were an infant, you first learned to stand and balance and pretty soon you started walking on your own and talking, a few words here and there to start. You’d take a step and fall and you’d get back up and pretty soon you were walking fast and then you wanted to run. Then you weren’t happy with just running. You wanted a tricycle and you got a tricycle and you’d zoom around the block. Pretty soon, you said, “I want more!” Then you got a little bicycle with training wheels. You’d get on the bike and slowly pedal around. Pretty soon you wanted to go faster, so you took off the training wheels and for a short time, someone held the seat as you pedaled away until you had it mastered and you were able to balance and to ride with the wind. Then you began to make it your own. Remember when you put the little streamers on the handlebars and the little license plate and the bell and the light. Pretty soon, “I want more!” You graduated to a 10-speed and pretty soon you were shifting through the gears with ease. “I want more.” You set your sights on a motorcycle, on a car. As you learned how to drive—yeah, there were scratches, yes, there were dents but you made it your own. You hung things from the mirror and played your kind of music.

That’s how My Spirit works. First you learn how to stand, how to speak My language, how to operate and balance with speed. Then I tap you on the shoulder and say, “There’s more.” You say, “Lord, I want more.” Then I take off your training wheels and you start moving in the Spirit. “I want more!” and I say “Yes, there’s more.” So don’t be afraid…Is operating in My Spirit something that comes with ease? No, it’s a learning curve, but I’m willing to hold the seat. I’m willing to hold you up. I’m willing to teach you how to talk and how to walk and how to balance and how to take your step. I’m willing to help you maneuver through the things of My Spirit until you are comfortable  and you make it your own. But never assume you can just do it on your own. I’m your Dad  and you are My children. And I will always take care of you, I will always walk with you, I will always be with you, I will always teach you, and I will never let go of you.

IF you’re willing, this year will scare you because My Spirit is going to move in a swifter way than ever before, and all I’m saying is TRUST ME! Are you willing to step out? Are you willing to open your hands? Your mouth? Your eyes and ears? Your mind? Your heart to the things I have prepared for you? It’s a year of “Yes! Yes! Yes, Lord!” for this year you’re going to see great and mighty things you’ve never known before and you’ve never seen before! I am your Dad and you are My kids. Trust Me!

The Kingdom of God is in You!

Mark 4:30-34 How to Present the Kingdom/Mustard Seed

And He said, “How shall we picture the kingdom of God, or by what parable shall we present it? It is like a mustard seed, which, when sown upon the soil, though it is smaller than all the seeds that are upon the soil, yet when it is sown, it grows up (Matures) and becomes larger than all the garden plants and forms large branches; so that the birds of the air can nest under its shade.”


Picture the day and place

Where you accepted Jesus!

That little step, That innocent step of faith

Activated the Kingdom of God inside of you!

It started growing and IS still growing

It starts to become Visible in You!

It starts to become Visible to Others

Year after year The Kingdom of God Grows

Year after year The Kingdom of Satan Shrinks

Satan loses More and More OF YOU

He loses Sin, Sickness, Unworthiness, Fear, Stress, Worry, Anxiety, Insecurity, Hurt, Anger, and your Comfort Zone (Satan’s Anchor)!

The Kingdom of God has INVADED you!

The Kingdom of God has EXPANDED you!

Now you’re doing Weird things!

Now you’re doing Crazy things for Jesus

Satan keeps trying to STOP YOU!

Instead you keep STEPPING OUT!

NOW You find JOY in

Church Sunday Morning, Bible studies during the week

Online sermons, Books, Christian Concerts, Conferences,

Driving long distances to Get More, to Go Deeper!

Praying for people in PUBLIC and………… LIKING IT!

You’re Doing things that scare you

But you do it anyway and LIKE IT

You’re out of control!!!

And THEN you Give a praise report about it!

WHY?? Because: That Little Kingdom seed

IS still growing and expanding after ALL these years

Now God is using you! To Advance His Kingdom!

What is the Gospel? Meaning What is the Kingdom?

The Kingdom of God proclaimed, preached, and demonstrated.

His Gospel is good news

You can’t get saved without

The Kingdom And the Goodness of God

That leads men to repentance

People repent when

They See the Goodness of God demonstrated

THAT IS The Kingdom Come

And The Will of God Done

Here ON EARTH in front of them

As it is done in Heaven

It’s not just witnessing

When you proclaim the goodness of God

It IS a magnet that draws God to you

And to what you are proclaiming

Speaking at Glory Barn

Two years ago the Lord told us He was placing us right in the middle of revival! We experienced the beginnings in 2022 when we set up Free Prayer at several revival meetings in Iowa and Minnesota. We are now honored to be asked to speak at The Nations Glory Barn in Waldorf, Minnesota April 28-30th! (

God has done so many amazing things on the roadside throughout the years, incredible signs, wonders and miracles! And He is speaking powerfully through prophetic words. We are looking forward to the Lord continuing the same at The Nations Glory Barn!

Don’t Lose Jesus This Christmas

Friday night while we were singing the different songs, we sang “You’re everything glorious,” “the grace that You gave is an open door,” “Noel, come and see what the Lord has done,” “the story of amazing love,” “I heard the bells on Christmas day”– hearing all these things and all of a sudden, I (Emil) was standing in the stable when He was born. I looked in the manger and He had on this little tuxedo, and I watched all these shepherds coming and the wise men and all these people were dressed in wedding gowns. I’m looking at all this and I’ve never seen anything like it and He said, “On the day I was born, the great courtship began.” He courted us for 33 years to become His bride. He courted us with the greatest courtship in the history of the world. There’s never been a courtship like it before or since. Then I had a picture of our nativity in the yard and I saw the cross over it—Wow, here He is born with the cross right behind Him. He was born to go there, and He was born to keep us away from that. He came to court us into the greatest love story ever. I kept hearing this, “Don’t lose Me through the holidays. It’s easy to look at money and presents and family and friends and going here and going there. Start with Me every day and then go do your stuff.” Stop at the manger for 5 minutes and thank Him for that courtship. I couldn’t help but laugh, seeing all these shepherds in wedding gowns but it was so real and it was so personal. It was a love I saw in their eyes and in His eyes, even as a newborn, like nothing I’ve ever seen before. We just can’t lose that.

Lord, we thank You that You exuded more love at that moment when You came to life on earth than this world has ever known. We thank You that You chose to come, You chose us, and thank You Lord for allowing us to choose You. We thank You and we praise You and we worship You. And every time we hear the bells, every time we hear the songs, every time we think of the gifts, we’re going to think of You—the biggest gift, the greatest gift, the ultimate gift that You gave to us. 

Healing Crusade

We had a wonderful trip to Eufaula, Oklahoma last week where we attended the Billy Burke Healing Crusade at the Lighthouse church. It was a tremendous three days in the powerful Presence of the Lord as we witnessed so many healings and miracles! It ended too soon.

It Was Wonderful!

When God told us we were moving back to Iowa two years ago, He promised, “It’s going to be wonderful.” Well, Saturday night was wonderful! Almost 100 people came for the revival on our acreage! We were so blessed by all God did, not only the things planned, but the things unplanned–displaying His glory through the most beautiful sunset and most of all, intensifying His Presence in a tangible way!

Revival Saturday!

The revival on our own acreage is this Saturday, Sept 24th! We’ve been looking forward to it for months and suddenly, it is upon us!!! We are excited about it and can’t wait to report on it! God has been planning this for almost 2 years when people began to comment to us that they saw a revival service on our property! So His timing is here! We appreciate your prayers that all goes smoothly and the people God wants to be here with be here and will respond to Him through it!

19th Anniversary today!

It’s our 19th anniversary today! The roadside ministry officially started September 12, 2003! We have had a lot of changes over the years, from a motorcycle and 2 camping chairs and a posterboard sign, to a motorcycle with a teardrop trailer and a banner, to an Impala pulling a porta-potty after we had to get rid of the motorcycle in Colorado, to our present day beautiful trailer! It’s been quite a ride!!! God is always awesome!

Does That Make Sense?

There are a lot of things Christians receive that we don’t fully understand. Like a mark of Redemption. Many people don’t know what that means. Gifts to be able to hear. Many Christians don’t believe you can HEAR but it’s not that you actually audibly hear. Or that believers receive power. Much of the church doesn’t believe that! How about receiving a language that we may not fully understand? There are a lot of things of the Spirit that we just plain don’t understand. How can simply praying a prayer give us the right to go to heaven? How can simply asking to be forgiven wipe us clean of every sin we have or will ever commit? How can the most despicable person pray a prayer and be absolved of all his wrongdoing and be given the right to go to heaven while some of the sweetest people—kind, considerate, understanding—never found the need to pray the prayer and lose that right and spend eternity in hell? How does that make sense to us?

YET it seems the more in depth we go in the things of the Spirit, the more there comes a clarity that begins to make sense of that which doesn’t make sense! Does that make sense? It’s like when you tell a Christian who is seeking direction, “Why don’t you ask the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of truth, what’s the truth because He loves to tell the truth?” and they look at you like you have some marbles loose.

BOTTOM LINE: We don’t have to fully understand it to operate in it…but somehow through the Spirit, the more we operate in it, the more we understand it. That is called being led by the Spirit!