We sing the song, Child of Love. The Lord says, “Do you believe it? Do you receive it? You didn’t sing, ‘I’m a love child.’ You sang, ‘I’m a child of love,’ meaning you were wanted, you were planned, you have a purpose, you weren’t a mistake. Can you believe and can you receive that what the enemy tells you is a lie? Can you believe and can you receive that what I tell you is the truth? Can you believe and can you receive that what the enemy says I think about you is a lie? Can you believe and can you receive that you are the apple of My eye? Can you believe and can you receive that I have a plan and a purpose for you? Can you believe it and can you receive it? Can you reach out and can you take ahold of who I say you are? Of who I made you to be and of the path I have set before you? Can you believe and can you receive that I think about you all the time? Can you believe and can you receive that you’re not as bad as you think you are? Can you believe and can you receive that I am so in love with you? You are My child in whom I am well pleased. You are my son, my daughter, my friend, my bride-to-be. I do not make mistakes. Walk in my plan and my purpose for you. Lift up your head. Put your shoulders back. I have given you a hope and future. You say, ‘Where is it?’ Well, it’s a hope and a future. Some of the things take steps. Some take time. But I promise you, My child, if you can believe and if you can receive, it will all come to pass. And when it does, it will be wonderful and you will say, ‘Ah, now I understand.’ Let Me be God and let yourself be My child. Let Me be your Dad and let Me be your guide. You will not miss the mark. You will not walk off the path. Soon and very soon you will see My plan and you will say, ‘It is wonderful!'”