God gave us a vision for 2024 for a bigger trailer and a garage in which to house it! This trailer will be delivered to us next week, courtesy of ministry partners who provided the money to pay for it! We are so excited! It is 7’x16′, which is 6′ longer than our present trailer and 1′ wider. This will allow us more room for more people in the trailer at one time, and another team praying for people who stop! We are going to start setting up on Sunday mornings in order to BE the church. God has shown us it is going to be a very big year for salvations, deliverances, and miracles! We will update here with build out pictures as we did for our first trailer, which btw we are keeping to set up on smaller sites as needed! If you would like to give toward our new garage, we would be most grateful! See our Donations page.